

Norma W. Yam-oc, LPT, RPm, MAED-GC


Rosalada, Ariel B.



The Guidance Services Office supports the Buenavista Community College's vision which is to produce globally competitive graduates by providing an accessible service to foster holistic development to its graduates


The Guidance and Counceling office is committed to helping the students to be holistically prepared for their future through;

1. Providing services that would help them to become motivated and productive students.

2. Implementing Guidance programs and services that would cater to the needs of all students across all levels and programs.

3. Maintaining close connections with the faculty, staff, and administration to provide close monitoring and referrals with the students.


1. To give support or assistance in the student's academic, personal, social, and emotional problems.

2. To provide avenues for the students in recognizing their intellectual skills and abilities through providing an individualized mental ability tests.

C. Build a sense of campus-community relationship through collaborative partnership to support student participation, innovation, development and success.


The Guidance services offices aim to;

1. Assist students in the admission process

2. Facilitate and help students in solving their problems, thereby helping them in realizing their goals as students and individuals.

3. Provide psychological test and counseling services for the holistic needs of the students leading them to live a well-balanced life

Guidance Services

Buenavista Community College provides different Guidance services for its students in line with its goal that is to holistically develop students in order to produce quality graduates. These services are the following:

A. Career Counseling.

This particular service aims to guide the BCC freshmen students who are still in vague or not sure of themselves about what course to take in college. They will be given initial skill assessment to help them narrow down their choices and of what they are interested to do or enroll in college. Another part of this service is to help the graduates prepare themselves for the life in the corporate world. They are being taught on how to behave and cope up the pressures that they might experience in their work arenas. In BUENAVISTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE, part of the career counseling is to give its graduating students a career guidance seminar.

A.1 Study Habits Counseling

This is aimed to help students cope up with the demands in college academically. It focuses on helping students develop a study habit that is fitted with their way of learning.

A.2 Social Counseling

This service focuses on helping every student who has difficulties blending with other students on campus. It helps students to find the courage in joining organizations and having the courage to make new friends within the campus to achieve the goal of having a sense of belongingness while in college.

B. Group Counseling

Group counseling is done to cater various concerns and issues concerning a certain group of students inside the campus. It is conducted in the campus open ground to allow students participate in designed structured learning activities. During this Covid-19 pandemic, this particular service was no longer done due to students’ absence in the campus.

C. Individual Counseling

This service deals with every student who is having some emotional hang ups and problems in their studies and or even in their personal lives.

D. Individual Inventory services

D.1 Student Profiling

This particular service is intended for all freshmen students who are enrolled in the institution across all programs. This profiling service will gather personal data of the students that would help the Guidance and Counseling office in identifying correct measures of intervention in cases where there are students who have depressive behaviors and tendencies and or self-harming behaviors.

D.2 Psychological and Personality Test

The institution sees to it that every student could avail the entire test available in the Guidance Office regardless of the pandemic. All the students were scheduled to come to the campus to take the test. These tests are intended to identify students who might have difficulties in learning, have suicidal tendencies and or depression.

E. Admission Services

Incoming Freshmen students must apply and take the admission process in the institution through the Guidance Office as part of its services offered.